Monday 10 September 2012


                   [SNR EVANGELIST ILORI ODUNJO]

                      NUMBER 30

If a man vow a vow unto the Lord, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his bond, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth. [v.2] 

Many men may not know the reasons why they are having problems with the wife of their youth today. The Lord makes us to understand that every vow you made with anyone is binding; the Lord Himself is a witness. It is possible that, you, as a man, you have failed to know certain things about yourself.  It is possible, it has been written that, you are a man  of two wives. But here you are with a lady with marine or familiar spirit, who will never accept a rival. But in the day you met, she  asked you, ‘I hope you are not going to marry another woman to join me?’ ‘No, no, no, I will never do that!’ That was your promise. My handsome guy, do you know you have hung yourself in the neck? The promise is bounding contrary to your destiny. But here you are with another wife. Since then, your business has been down. It is possible you didn’t know she has been using her marine power to support your growth to success.

Today, the woman is fighting you spiritually. Is she not justified? Is she not using the vow against you? And you, my beautiful lady, are you saying you have never care to find out about the man you were about to marry to? Why didn’t you bother to enquire about his future, which the man himself might not have control over? Or, you knowingly entrapped him? Sweet lady, the deed is done already. Forgive him because of the children. I know he has offended you; forgive, so that both of you can join the saints in the resurrection where there is no marriage. Mr man, you have used the power in your tongue to bind yourself to a vow you cannot keep. Will you apologize to her; and tell the Lord to save you from your lawful captive. She has the Satanic constitutional right over you. But don’t forget to tell her that your righteousness is of the Lord.
Prayer points: Every contrary vow that is binding me with a woman, I nullify you in Jesus name, >>>> Every vow I have vowed during sexual intercourse, shall no more prevail over me.


If a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind herself by a bond, being in her father's house in her youth; And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. (Num 30:3-4)

This is another mystery. The bible is saying no doubt about this. When a young lady  is in  her parent’s  house, for instance, if her father is wont to beat her mother, and she said,’If this is what marriage is all about, the day  any man beats me with his hands, I will pack out of his house’. Surely, that was a covenant, and it has become a bond in her life. Can you now see the reason you often packed your load anytime there is a dispute between you and your husband? Once it’s uttered, the spirit to carry it out is already at work. ‘Or, I preferred to remain single than for any man to turn me into a punching bag’. There you are, that thing you preferred, is now working according to what you pronounced.  And the reason why it is working was because when your father, as the Lord of the house heard that, he failed to nullify it; or he didn’t hear about it at all. If he has done that, the oath would have been made useless. But, it’s possible your father did not have that spiritual knowledge.

I want you to get me right. If one of your children told his elder brother, if you can accept me as your senior, I will give you three slices of bread’. If the elder should accept it, spiritual exchange will take place. Learn from Esau and Jacob. When the time comes, the Elder will be looking unto the junior for his livelihood. Take note, the junior would like to be taking leadership positions, all because their father has failed to break the bond. My young lady, it is time you go to the mercy land, and role yourself on the ground and ask for forgiveness of sin because you have erred. Use the same mouth to break the yoke. And don’t forget to tell your parent to pray for you with water, very early in the morning. May the Lord help you. Amen.

 [NUMB. 3O:6-8 ]

And if she had at all and husband, when she vowed, or uttered ought out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul; And her husband heard, and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it: then her vow shall stand, and her  bonds wherewith she bound herself shall stand. [vs.6-7]

This is another secret between an husband and his wife. Sometimes there are utterances we take as been ordinary  of  which  its spiritual  implications might be dangerous. It is possible your wife has  given birth to two bouncing baby girls; and you  said: ‘Now, anytime you are pregnant, you are going to have a baby boy’. ‘No, am going to give you three more baby girls’. That was the response of the wife. My friend, if you fail to cancel her statements which she has used to bound herself, my dear man, you are in for it. Our mouth or tongue is an instrument of creation. But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard it; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the LORD shall forgive her. (Num 30:8) It is a sin on the part of the woman. Some women prefer to put themselves in perpetual bondage of penury by bringing the man down, so that he won’t marry another woman.

The utterances from the mouth of the woman can be made void by the man. The words that came forth from the mouth of your wife is very important. Treat your wife well, adore her, treat her like a small god. Every positive thing she pronounced into your life will come to pass. Never you treat what comes out of your wife’s mouth with levity. As a woman, have you bound yourself with a bond that is affecting both you and your husband? You better confess your sin to the Lord and set yourself free. My man, you are the supreme judge of your house. Whatever contrary utterances from your wife, declare it null and void, and it shall be established.
Prayer points: I loose myself from every contrary utterances >>> Every bond I have failed to cancel in the past, be nullified today, in Jesus name. Amen.

 [ NUMB.30:9-16]

But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand against her. (Num 30:9)

I have been dealing with this matter now because it is a serious matter. May be you have forgotten on that sweet night on your matrimonial bed, what came out of your lips when your husband ask you a simple but a dangerous question. ‘Darling!  ‘What will you do if I die today? ‘Oh, common darling! That cannot happen. ‘But if it happens, I will die with you!’ Dear lady, you have bound your soul with a bond. It has become an oath. But the man did not help the matter. But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them; then whatsoever proceeded out of her …………concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband hath made them void; and the LORD shall forgive her. (Num 30:12). The man himself didn’t know the implications of what has just happened. Mine people perish for lack of knowledge. Many women or ladies had died untimely after the death of their husbands because of the oath they made in the past.

My dear widow, I knew you loved your husband; you have been doing many things in common. He is a caring father of your children, and he has a tender heart. But, unfortunately, he died. You wept and wept and wept! ‘’I will never marry to any man in my life again; no one is like him’ Dear weeping lady! The bible said, Weeping may last for a night, but joy cometh in the morning’. The day you were weeping, stands for a traumatic night. Hitherto, you have survived the night. Here you are in the joyful morning, but the joy is not forth coming. Now, your eyes is cleared, the loving blindness have been removed; you have decided to remarry contrary to your vow. The men are not forth-coming. Even when they come, you were used and dumped. Have you forgotten the boomerang you threw in that night of sweet bliss? Will you please run to the Lord. What you said that night, the Lord would have forgiven you if your husband had nullified it. You better start binding and casting the power behind that vow. I know the Lord will answer you; and you will start smiling from today. My honourable man, learn from this: Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void. (Num 30:13)
Prayer points : Father, I have erred, forgive me  my sins of careless utterance. >>>> I set my destiny free from self-inflicted bondage, in Jesus name